Al Haynes checks in with local philanthropic work

Al Haynes checks in with local philanthropic work

What happened to the summer of 2017? I’m writing this article the second week of August while wondering, when did time start moving so fast? A lot has happened this July and August. There was the Ronald McDonald House 5K and 1Mile Run Walk And Roll For Families. Saturday July 29th at Woodruff Park, even Ronald was there and he walked it in his big fat red shoes! Good job Renee Sturkie, Melody Moran, Tiffany…

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Around Town, September 2017

Bikes on Broadway Every year the Columbus Georgia chapter of the Southern Cruisers Riding Club hosts Bikes on Broadway, a charity event for the kids at Our House Children’s Home. Our House is an orphanage located in the Columbus area. This year’s event will be the 16th, and includes live music, a dice run, a 50/50 raffle and vendors of all kinds lining the streets of Broadway. There will be a kick-off party at Chattahoochee…

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Day Trippin’

Day Trippin’

We’ve got your ticket to ride with these 15 daytrips   Truckin’ north “Come along ‘n take a trip . . .” –Bob Dylan   Franklin Delano Roosevelt State Park Less than an hour north of Columbus, FDR State Park is the largest in Georgia and an outdoor enthusiast’s dream. There’s much to do and see on the park’s 9,049 acres. A day on the Pine Mountain Trail, part of the park’s 40-mile system, brings…

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Memorable mail from Al Haynes

Memorable mail from Al Haynes

I wonder if it’s going to rain every other day this summer? That seems to be the pattern. Well, it sure has not put a damper on all the “walks” we’ve had this spring. I talked with Lori Kiker, who was instrumental in putting together the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation walk, which took place April 1st at Golden Park. I asked for its history, and Lori told me she got involved in 2014. Quite a few…

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No longer a ghost: One dog’s remarkable journey from the wild, into PAWS Humane

No longer a ghost: One dog’s remarkable journey from the wild, into PAWS Humane

by Bobbie Yeo   One morning, just about a year ago, a volunteer from a local rescue group was carrying a litter of puppies out of Columbus Animal Care and Control (CACC). The crate fell apart during transfer to a waiting van and the puppies scampered every which way. All but one of the puppies was easily apprehended and presumably went on to be adopted into loving homes. One puppy scampered into the woods, eluding…

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Pasaquan: bringing the past into the future

Pasaquan: bringing the past into the future

Pasaquan: bringing the past into the future   This article does contain some sexual references. While most of the content is suitable for all audiences, some elements may not be suitable for children, and parents are advised to practice discretion.   I. High school students, on field trips, entering the site between the two Moai-like figures that guard the gate entrance. Church groups studying the disks like particolored, celebratory shields sunk into the living room…

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Join the Way Down Film Society for great movies at monthly screenings

Join the Way Down Film Society for great movies at monthly screenings

Screenings and discussions bring filmmakers and lovers together by Jacy Jenkins Contributor The Fountain City Film Society was formed in September 2016 so people who appreciate cinema could gather on a monthly basis to watch and discuss the kinds of films that rarely screen in our local theaters. Beginning this summer, the Film Society is joining forces with Way Down Film Festival to pursue a common goal: building an active community of film lovers and…

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