Letter from the Editor, December 2017

It isn’t that I’m biased because I work for a locally owned company. I work for a locally owned company because I know how much local business do for their communities. The math on this is simple. When you buy locally, more of your money stays in your community. When you buy locally, you encourage start-ups. Buying local combats inequality; the difference in income between employees of small business is less than the difference at…

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Letter from the Editor, November 2017

Letter from the Editor, November 2017

Some lessons stick with you. I remember one summer afternoon in the car with my father and brother. Maybe I was in the 7th grade. Columbus Park Crossing was still new, and I had convinced my father to take me to Barnes & Noble. I left with a few new books and that excitement I still get when I leave any bookstore with something fresh to read. I didn’t notice the three young men walking…

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Voices of the Valley sings a song that touches all of our hearts

Voices of the Valley sings a song that touches all of our hearts

Voices of the Valley Children’s Chorus is fundraising for their July trip to England. Help these kids do great things abroad, especially because they do so many great things locally.   On a recent evening, I visited Chipotle on Macon Road. The food is fine, but it’s certainly not one of my usual stops. I came because a friend told me about a local organization that was having a fundraiser. Half of my purchase would…

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Letter from the Editor: Roundabouts

Letter from the Editor: Roundabouts

Yes, we still need to talk about roundabouts.   Welcome to Fall, ya’ll! While we wait for some cooler weather, I want to invite you to do two things. First and always foremost, enjoy this month’s magazine and all the fun and fascinating events we are so proud to promote. Second, let’s talk about a subject well-known to anyone who keeps up with the goings-on in Columbus. Let’s talk about roundabouts. Traffic circle. Road circle….

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Letter from the Editor, September 2017

Letter from the Editor, September 2017

I’m in school again, ya’ll, working on a master’s degree. A lot of people are back in school. Maybe you’re a teacher or a teacher’s spouse. Maybe you have school-aged children or adult children in college. If someone central to your life is in school, so are you. Even if you’re not in school, one way or the other, September always seems to bring with it an uptick in activity. Could be that the closing…

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I’m really excited about this magazine

I’m really excited about this magazine

Here you’ll find our mission statement. That’s the heart and soul of what I’ll elaborate here. But elaborate I must. I’m really excited about this magazine. The mission statement says that this magazine exists “because we who work on it believe in actively engaging with community improvement.” And that’s true. But that isn’t the story. This magazine exists because a few people kept talking about how great it would be for a magazine like this…

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